In our industry one of the first new words that we hear is “famil”. For those who haven’t heard it, it is a shortened word for familiarisation. Hotels and event venues conduct these throughout the year to showcase their property to potential clients. Sometimes famils are overnight at a resort that requires at least a 1hr drive to get to it and sometimes they are lunches, cocktail functions or half day events with an attached activity in the CBD based venue. We try to attend as many as we can whenever time allows as our job is to know where venues are at, what condition their facilities are in, to sample the food and experience the service. Famils are also an excellent way to remember the venue for future reference. Sometimes, as we deal with so many venues it’s hard to distinguish one from the other.
Being a venue sourcing service we are good at establishing the quality of the venue based on their website, direct contact and correspondence if the venue is professional and trust worthy. We also conduct reference checks by other clients who’ve recently used the venue in question. However, nothing can compare with first hand to hand experience. Also, the famils are a good way to keep up with the venues development and changes. Famils are also not your standard way of viewing a hotel, with organised dinners and events you never know what exciting activities you could take part in! I highly recommend that you attend as many famils as you can even though they can be a chore and hard work they are certainly worth it. You can also ask all those questions that you have wondered about. How does this work and why is AV that expensive etc... Famils are also excellent for relationship building. You know from your experience that sometimes you need to ask venues for some extra favours, discounts and added value, and all of this is much easier to handle once you know who you are dealing with and they respect you for it. If you do need to see venues and regularly book hotels in different cities, please contact us and we will add you to our special list. We can then start to forward you famils organised by various city and region based tourism organisations that organise famils on a yearly basis. Comments are closed.
April 2020